HRD Series 2: Understanding What Motivates Millennials and How That Affects Today's Corporate Culture

Many companies are beginning to experience a shift in today’s workplace with the Baby Boomers moving out and the Millennials taking their place. With that comes a new challenge in recognizing what is important to this new generation of employee’s and what motivates them in their career choices. It is important for HR Directors to adapt and embrace this change in culture in order to ensure a smooth transition and continued employee engagement.

Photo of sitting team

In this free eBook, we explore this growing trend. Key takeaways include:

  • Acknowledging the shift with Millennial’s entering the workforce and understanding what motivates them
  • Sustaining employee satisfaction and harnessing the strengths and opportunities Millennials can offer
  • How to maintain successful team performance across generational gaps

We invite you to download the full eBook.

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