Evaluate Your Process, Elevate Your People
Simpli5 powered by 5 Dynamics creates cultures fueled by self and interpersonal awareness to bolster productive collaboration, boost morale, accelerate timelines, and deliver better results.

How It Works
In 3 minutes or less, Simpli5 analyzes your teams’ work styles and their affinity for different phases of a project cycle to improve team collaboration, satisfaction, and results.

Proven methodology meets powerful technology
Most leaders tend to focus on what people do, instead of how they do it. In 3 minutes or less, Simpli5 determines how a person works through different phases of a project–ideation, alignment, planning and execution. Using these analyses, Simpli5 delivers customized development resources to leaders and their team members.

Enhance productivity, satisfaction and impact
With customized leadership and collaboration strategies, you can expertly manage and improve every phase of a project from ideation to evaluation.

Accomplish More, Together
Fix the process,
not the peopleProblems that you think are caused by poor employee performance—disinterest, bottlenecks, carelessness—can be corrected by adjusting team processes. Simpli5 directs your management mindset to focus on improving your team’s workflow.
Solve the mystery of
team managementWhen working with multiple teams, it can feel impossible to manage each one effectively. With leadership strategies, team collaboration analyses and employee work style breakdowns, you have a custom roadmap for navigating team dynamics.
Create alignment,
move forwardIt’s simple—a team in sync does better work. Simpli5 helps leaders get everyone on the same page and eliminate conflict between teammates. Working as a unit accelerates team performance and leads to happier, more fulfilled employees
your potentialUnderstanding how you prefer to work, learn and collaborate is a simple way to set yourself up for success. With Simpli5 as your personal guide, you can overcome roadblocks, maneuver tough situations with teammates and get the most out of every work day.
During the almost two decades of my work at Google and IDEO I have used almost every tool ever, and yours is the only one that I ever want to use again!

The 5 Dynamics suite of tools has been a trusted resource and companion to much of my work with business leaders in learning how to better manage their energy, enhance their awareness, and optimize their impact. Quick, easy to use, real, effective, and with ripple effects both individually and as a team, this has long been my tool of choice in our executive programs.

Teamwork in healthcare is hard stuff. And these are tough times, to put it mildly. So it’s so refreshing to have a framework like Simpli5 that gives team members such straightforward language and processes for managing their work together, better understanding one another, and appreciating our inherent differences. From my experience, Simpli5 is the best tool in the biz for this stuff.

The 5 Dynamics software permitted us to design more effective teams for our project- and team-based introductory science course and helped my students develop better collaborative skills and prepare them better for a life of collaborations.

I’ve been working with health care leaders and teams for more than 20 years. Simpli5 is my go to methodology for helping leaders and teams understand how they work and collaborate. It is fast, accurate and immediately useful. Even my biggest skeptics end up loving it.

Simpli5 gives us a consistent opportunity to be proactive by spotting gaps and offering solutions. It is also an accelerator for collaboration by supporting teams in devoting their full attention to the shared goal of creating impact rather than losing time, energy and facing frustration by navigating team dynamics in a blind.

Leaders Using Simpli5
Some are saving lives, others are creating world-changing technology. Fortune 500 companies, leading universities and healthcare organizations trust Simpli5 to boost team collaboration and success.