Simpli5 Blog

Graphic with the words "Human Centric" and "Business Process"

Human Centric Business Process

When people write about something as miraculous as teamwork—the amazing, almost magical interplay between human beings—I hate when they use …

Up-close photo of a patch of green clovers

Making Your Own Luck

Mid-March always brings two events to mind. One date was not so lucky: Caesar should have stayed home on the Ides of March, or not walked do…

Photo of two people working together at a desk

Onboarding Your Boss

You have a new boss. Who has responsibility for getting her or him on board?

Graphic with the words 'you are not a dynamo'

You are not a dynamo!

“You are not a dynamo!” These are the words that Mike Sturm once spoke to me. When individuals complete the 5 Dynamics assessment, they rece…

Photo of a team collaborating around a long, wooden desk.

Less Storming More Performing!

For the last half century, a commonly used model ‘Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development’ has suggested that newly formed teams pass through …